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What is a Hiring Manager - A Guide for Company Owners and Management

Understanding the Role of a Hiring Manager: A Guide for Company Owners and Management

As a company owner or part of the management team, ensuring your hiring process is effective is crucial for your business's success. One key player in this process is the hiring manager. Understanding their role and setting clear expectations can significantly improve your recruiting and hiring efforts. Let’s delve into who a hiring manager is and what they should do to enhance your hiring process.

Who is a Hiring Manager?

A hiring manager is typically a supervisor or manager within the department where a job opening exists. They are responsible for identifying the need for new employees and ensuring that the right candidates are selected. Unlike HR professionals, who manage the overall recruitment process, hiring managers focus on the specific needs of their team or department.

Role of a Hiring Manager in the Hiring Process

Here are the key roles a hiring manager should play in the recruitment and hiring process, along with what you should expect from them:

  • Identifying Hiring Needs

  • Expectations: The hiring manager should be proactive in recognizing when their team needs new members. They must determine what positions need to be filled and what qualifications are necessary for these roles.

  • Benefits: This proactive approach ensures that your team remains productive and that staffing needs are met promptly.

  • Creating Job Descriptions

  • Expectations: The hiring manager should work closely with HR to create accurate and detailed job descriptions. These descriptions should outline the skills, experience, and qualifications required for the job.

  • Benefits: Clear job descriptions attract the right candidates, saving time and resources in the selection process.

  • Screening Resumes and Applications

  • Expectations: The hiring manager should review resumes to shortlist candidates who meet the job criteria, looking for relevant experience, skills, and qualifications.

  • Benefits: Effective screening narrows down the applicant pool to the most suitable candidates, streamlining the interview process.

  • Conducting Interviews

  • Expectations: The hiring manager should prepare interview questions that assess both technical skills and cultural fit. They should conduct thorough interviews to evaluate the candidate’s abilities, experience, and compatibility with the team.

  • Benefits: Well-conducted interviews lead to better hiring decisions, ensuring new hires are a good fit for both the role and the team.

  • Making the Final Decision

  • Expectations: The hiring manager should collaborate with HR to make the final hiring decision, considering interview performance, references, and overall fit for the team.

  • Benefits: This collaborative approach combines the hiring manager’s understanding of the department’s needs with HR’s recruitment expertise, leading to more informed hiring decisions.

  • Onboarding New Employees

  • Expectations: The hiring manager should actively participate in the onboarding process, ensuring that the new employee is welcomed, trained, and integrated into the team.

  • Benefits: Proper onboarding helps new hires feel comfortable and become productive quickly, reducing turnover and enhancing team cohesion.

Why is Selecting the Right Hiring Manager Important to Your Company?

Selecting the right employee to run point on hiring and setting clear expectations for your hiring managers can lead to several benefits:

  • Efficiency: By identifying the right candidates quickly, hiring managers help fill positions faster, reducing downtime and maintaining productivity.

  • Expertise: Hiring managers understand the specific needs of their department, ensuring that new hires have the necessary skills and qualities.

  • Team Dynamics: Hiring managers ensure that new hires fit well with the existing team, promoting a positive work environment.


The hiring manager plays a crucial role in the recruitment process. By identifying needs, creating job descriptions, screening candidates, conducting interviews, and making hiring decisions, they ensure that the right people are brought into the company. As a company owner or manager, setting clear expectations for your hiring managers and supporting them in their role can significantly enhance your recruiting and hiring efforts, contributing to your business’s overall success.

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